26. How do I update the format of the date?

  1. Access the Settings page and scroll down to the "Date Format" section then tap the "Date" row

  2. Next, tap the option you would prefer from the list

27. How do I update the group date format that appears when items are grouped by year and month?

  1. Access the Settings page and scroll down to the "Date Format" section then tap the "Group By" row

  2. Next, tap the option you would prefer from the list

28. How can I hide fields I don't use?

  1. Access the Settings page and scroll down to the "Visible Fields" section. For the fields you use, change the toggle switch to the "ON" state. For the fields you don't use, change the toggle switch to the "OFF" state.

29. Can I hide or change the preview image size?

You can choose between 3 image sizes or you can hide images.

Note: this only applies to to the images displayed within the app and has no effect on the exported image size.

To change the image size:
  1. Access the Settings page and scroll down to the "Items" section then tap the "Image Size" row

  2. Next, tap the option you would prefer from the list

30. How do I access the About page?

  1. Tap the button, then tap the About option